Okay, quite obviously I haven't gotten over the pure joy of being a debutante author.
So I was thrilled (rather than the probably more usual emotion pleased) when I received notification that "A Hope in Hell" was for sale on All Romance eBooks.
And it has a heat rating of five! I know that that's more a matter of taste, as some people like the curtains drawn rather than seeing the sex, but given that I did write the sex scenes... I'm pleased. I'd hope they were hot, and it looks like I succeeded.
Also, I like that it's listed as paranormal/horror - I'm not sure why I'm pleased, as it is paranormal/horror, so really, that's just proper shelving I guess. But I'm still pleased.
Yeah, this all still has it's new-car smell. :)
On a completely different note, I really like the Kindle (or at least the idea of it, as I don't have one or even know anyone in RL who does), and I want one, though the price tag is, well, pricey.
Though I did enjoy this comic from Penny Arcade.