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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Free Story: Of Wax and Waffles

Originally written for the Torquere Social Happy Hour, "Of Wax and Waffles" is a short >1K m/m story written in about 3 hours to the prompts supplied by various members.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another update, so soon?

It IS an update, but not about the stories I'm working on at the moment. Sorry! I did mean to come back and finish that post, and I'm sure I will eventually, but frankly, it's harder to come up with a short non-spoilery summary than I expected.

No, this post is to announce that I'm taking my first turn behind the bar at the Torquere Social List Happy Hour somewhat early.

Like today.

So come along and check it out if you have a chance.