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Friday, January 29, 2010

Free Story: Facade

Originally written for the Torquere Social Happy Hour, "Facade" is a short >1K m/m story written to the prompts supplied by various members.

I used to be such an organised person. Anyway, in the spirit of organization, I think I shall name Fridays as my blogging day. Well, we'll try it for a while, and see how it goes.

First! some catching up.

I, on a rather spur of the moment whim, took over the Torquere Social list for another day - I don't think I'll do it again until April, though, as I do feel a bit silly, with nothing new out recently. But, it meant another installment of Dylan and Xavier, and their world is becoming increasingly clear - and murky, too, but that's worlds for you - to me. I'll put that up in a bit.

Second, what I'm working on at the moment... well, actually, my brain is hopping with ideas, which is always good - wonderful, actually - but it does make settling down to work on one thing very difficult. Fortunately, deadlines come in handy for this sort of thing, so what I am working on is Grisaille in Gray, but I'm not entirely sure what do start on after that. I think I know what it will be, but we'll see.