But not going dark -- more on that below.
News first:
The BIG news is:
Brown: Grisaille in Sand and Sunset is out from Torquere Press!
In smaller news:
1.) Pentimento: Poppy is now available from All Romance Ebooks.
2.) Gray: Grisaille in Stone and Sky is written, and has gone off to the editor.
3.) I am Torquere Press' Featured Author until May 7th.
In not-fun news, this blog is going dim for a while -- it's not because I haven't been putting up something new weekly, though it's for the same reason:
I'm in pain, and an awful lot of it. Getting Grisaille in Gray done was excruciating, and I've learned that voice-recognition does not work for me, for writing fiction. It works (when it works, which is not all the time, either, for other reasons) for posts and email.
So I'm going to be taking time away from the computer, not just typing. There may be odd posts occasionally, but I will not be trying to update weekly. I apologize for this, but it's largely out of my control -- the only part that I do have control over is trying to heal, and I have to take responsibility for that.