This will be very much a work in progress for a while, as I both set the damn thing up just how my OCD mind will like it, and as I figure out what kinds of things I want to write.
Please note: Anonymous comments are currently switched on and are moderated.
I learned (well, skulked) at the knees of Teresa Nielsen Hayden and John Scalzi, and am completely comfortable deleting anything I determine to be spam, wildly off-topic, or rude, and with being the sole judge of what defines any of those terms.
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Please note: Anonymous comments are currently switched on and are moderated.
I learned (well, skulked) at the knees of Teresa Nielsen Hayden and John Scalzi, and am completely comfortable deleting anything I determine to be spam, wildly off-topic, or rude, and with being the sole judge of what defines any of those terms.