Good reviews are always gratifying.
I've been fortunate in that I've never had a truly savage review -- in fact, even the less favorable reviews have always seemed, on balance, to be fair. I would even go so far as to say that they generally point out what I, too, thought were the weak spots in a particular story.
But it's lovely to see my latest work has been generally well received. When the lowest score for a books is 3/5, that's nothing to sneer at as an author.
To cherry pick a few lines to feather my cap (to mix a metaphor):
Another reason for that is the fact that his relationship with Nicholas (who btw is his husband) was on the kinky side, but it was so easily introduced, so easily narrated, that it was as if the writer was writing vanilla sex for crying out loud. It blends beautifully and the scene itself was not so much erotic as it was sweet, effortless, and sensual. So, do you fault me for wanting a full on novel on these guys? (Thomaidha Papa)
If you like stories that imagine what the future will be like, if you enjoy reading about man who are clearly devoted to each other, ...and if you're looking for a short, hot read with lots of love and some kinkiness, then you will probably like this short story. (Serena Yates)
I love futuristic and science fiction stories, and this short one was great! Jacob and Nicholas are husbands, pilots, fighters in the future ...This was a wonderful short that reminded me of how important it is to love, even in the fighting forces, and that being together is so much better than being apart. (Christy Duke)
So, if you think you might enjoy it I can only encourage you to buy it. All author royalties for Torquere Press Charity Sips are donated in their entirety to a worthy organistation (this year to Outserve-SLDN), AND those donations are matched by Torquere Press. So you'll be doing a good deed and (hopefully!) getting a good read at the same time.
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