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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Free Story: The Club on the Cliff

Bleurg. So. Tired.

Acts of god and war, indeed - well, acts of tiny virtually immortal biological agents anyway.

But I'm mostly better now. Today's update will probably not include the fabled story I started writing for my Torquere day - and if I don't get it done soon, it'll probably have to keep til next year, and nobody wants that. Although I suppose early in the new year would still be okay - but although it's not Christmas themed, it is Christmassy. You'll see why when you see it.

Anyway, enough whining. There is plenty of time yet.

So! Today's update will include a repost of my latest prompt story (another Dylan and Xavier story, and for those curious, yes, there might be more to their story at some point, though it's unlikely to be at any point very soon).

I will also update my lj (including with my previous post, which I failed to copy over due to an attack of extreme featherheadedness).

But, onto Dylan and Xavier.

Written to the prompts supplied here.


Friday, December 18, 2009

grisaille in virtual ink

Okay, so finally, an update! I should warn you, it's on the convoluted side.

So, a few weeks back I was talking about having two short stories coming out next year, for Torquere's new Color Box line. Actually, it turns out, they're a minimum of 10,000 words - so the stories are now just "stories" and not so much with the "short" part - but more about that later.

More to the point, in the last post I was really struggling to come up with some way of summarizing my story - and I figured out why. The story wasn't working. And sometimes you get the feeling a story isn't working, and it's just not working for you right now, and you learn not to drop a story because of that and to push on. And that's an important lesson to learn. But the one that comes after that one, that sometimes, no, the story really isn't working, and it's time to drop it and move on, is also important. (Maybe not just as important - because learning to finish things is probably the most important thing you can learn to do as a writer.)

It wasn't that the story was bad - it was actually quite good, and there were a number of directions I could have taken it in. I thought at first that that's were the problem was, that I wasn't entirely sure which direction in which to take the world building, and that's where the problem was. So I continued with the writing, ingnoring the big world building questions, and just concentrated on the character scenes. And it still wasn't working. And I finally figured out why, and knew it was time to do something else. Nothing was going to make this story work.

So I could either restart the story, and hope the new version worked (that seemed unlikely), or start a completely new story. One of those sounds like a lot more work than the other, but it really depends.

The major issue here was that I had signed a contract, with a title, for a specific theme. I'd had a story in mind when I did that: could I come up with something else that matched the theme and title?

Actually, yes. Nearly as soon as I dropped the story I knew I couldn't write, I had a new idea. A few hours later, most of the world building was done.

But I only had ten days left to write the story. A bit of pressure, sure, because I also had other things I was supposed to do, but far from being the end of the world. The story was only supposed to be 10K long (remember, at this point, I'd missed the small detail that it could be much, much longer).

I wrote that 10K in the ten days I had. But I still had more story to tell, and no time to do it in, and no idea how far over the 10K I could get without it becoming a problem for my editor.

So I emailed my editor, asking for an extra couple of days - she gave me fifteen, and reassured me that 10K was a minimum, not a maximum. I was elated.

I got the story in, but man was I glad for those fifteen days - the story continued to grow. And I'll be honest, it could be longer. It's just over 18K now, and there were some scenes I'd have liked to write, but couldn't, and one that had to be removed because although it was a nice scene, it didn't really make sense if you didn't include some of the other scenes I didn't get to write. I don't know - I might be able to add some of that back in in the editing phase - I'm still very new to all of this.

But at the moment, it's 18K long.

The working title is still Grisaille in Brown (it does have another title, but I'm keeping that one under my hat until I know whether it will be the final one). It comes out in May 2010, I do believe, and it's sequel, Grisaille in Grey comes out in September. And if Brown is any indication, and my editor has no objections, I think Grey might very well end up novel length, which is very exciting for me.

Coming up with a non spoilery summary is still a problem. In any case, Grisaille is sci-fi (and male/male).

I should point out, this is the sort of sci-fi where Earth does not figure into the story at all - like in Star Wars, for example, there is no Earth. Also, like Star Wars, the characters are human. I won't pretend that this is the most rigorous piece of hard sci-fi, but I did attempt to lean to the hard side. This is not, by the way, a slur on sci-fi fantasy, which I adore - I mention this only as a way, I guess, of describing where on the continuum of sci-fi this particular story falls.

Grisaille in Brown is entirely told from the point of view of Corvo, a historian with his homeworld's (Tiberia's) Bureau of Diplomatic Affairs, and describes his journey to Biryan, and his meeting with the young soldier-slave Ardán, and of how they come to fall in love. Grisaille in Grey will (well, this is the plan at the moment - and book plans, like those for battle, do not survive contact with the enemy) - Grisaille in Grey will not follow on immediately from Brown, but be set a little into the future, and a little more into their relationship, and will be told entirely from Ardán's point of view.

Aside from their love story, Grisaille is also a story about war, and diplomacy, and violence, and language, and history, and duty and family and obligation, and I'm very much looking forward to writing the next part.

(I'm actually even looking forward to doing the edits, that's how much I'm enjoying this story.)

So, update!

Oh, there might actually be another post today/tomorrow - I think there's something I've forgotten. But I will add a reminder that I will be hosting the Torquere Social Happy Hour on Torquere's livejournal next week, on Tuesday the 22nd, and there's a very short story in the works in honor of that (I'll cross post it here, as well), and I will probably be willing to write a little flash fiction to prompts, too.

Okay, that's the update.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Free Story: Of Wax and Waffles

Originally written for the Torquere Social Happy Hour, "Of Wax and Waffles" is a short >1K m/m story written in about 3 hours to the prompts supplied by various members.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another update, so soon?

It IS an update, but not about the stories I'm working on at the moment. Sorry! I did mean to come back and finish that post, and I'm sure I will eventually, but frankly, it's harder to come up with a short non-spoilery summary than I expected.

No, this post is to announce that I'm taking my first turn behind the bar at the Torquere Social List Happy Hour somewhat early.

Like today.

So come along and check it out if you have a chance.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In which the heroine is productive

A second post, as promised!

Okay, I totally hedged that bet. I do that. I do not come from a family of good correspondents.

In any case, a second post, this one with actual news.

I have updated my profile, and observant readers might have noticed that I have gone from a "twenty-something" to a "thirty-something", and deduced that I have just recently turned thirty. The beauty of this, however, means that I only have to remember to change my age it once a decade, in the autumn.

Also in my newly updated profile, is a discreet line mentioning that Torquere Press have picked up another two stories for 2010 - publication in April and September if I read my contract right (not to worry, I know exactly when they are due - deadlines are Fixed Dates in my head; everything else is broadly negotiable. Except my birthday, which lasts about six weeks.) Come closer to when they're coming out, I'll post the exact dates, and will hopefully take a turn in the Torquere Social driving seat.

The first one has a working title of "Grisaille in Brown" and the second, "Grisaille in Gray". I had actually planned to write more about this, but I've kind of run out of time.


Doing a periodic not-quite-vanity google, I came across the fact that someone had added me to goodreads. So I signed up, and claimed my author account (which was fantastically simple - I was impressed, honestly).

Goodreads, I suspect, could become quite addictive.

Er, I shall get back to work shortly. Right after a doll up my goodreads profile just a *tiny* bit more.

Oh, yes! Speaking of getting back to work, I shall have another post about upcoming work, possibly even today. I may get the hang of this blogging thing after all.

ETA: nice try, blogger. It's not nearly 8:21 here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Okay, quite obviously I haven't gotten over the pure joy of being a debutante author.

So I was thrilled (rather than the probably more usual emotion pleased) when I received notification that "A Hope in Hell" was for sale on All Romance eBooks.

And it has a heat rating of five! I know that that's more a matter of taste, as some people like the curtains drawn rather than seeing the sex, but given that I did write the sex scenes... I'm pleased. I'd hope they were hot, and it looks like I succeeded.

Also, I like that it's listed as paranormal/horror - I'm not sure why I'm pleased, as it is paranormal/horror, so really, that's just proper shelving I guess. But I'm still pleased.

Yeah, this all still has it's new-car smell. :)

On a completely different note, I really like the Kindle (or at least the idea of it, as I don't have one or even know anyone in RL who does), and I want one, though the price tag is, well, pricey.

Though I did enjoy this comic from Penny Arcade.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Intro post

As my bio says, I've recently had my first short story, A Hope in Hell, published by Torquere Press.

"A Hope in Hell" is just shy of 12K long, and tells the story of the meeting and burgeoning love affair of Yare'ach, an angel trapped in Hell, and the demon Lord Ayve.

In "A Hope in Hell", I've attempted to creature a unique and plausible vision of Hell; world building has always been a favorite part of writing for me, and I like how Hell turned out here.

A summary and sample of "A Hope in Hell" are available here.

And a review is available here.

Happy Blog Day to me!

This will be very much a work in progress for a while, as I both set the damn thing up just how my OCD mind will like it, and as I figure out what kinds of things I want to write.

My profile is here.